
How to Host a Successful Event for National Apprenticeship Week: A Planning Checklist

Joshua Monge
Joshua Monge
October 17, 2024

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is a prime opportunity for employers, educators, and community organizations to showcase the value of apprenticeships. From November 17-23, 2024, organizations across the U.S. will host events to celebrate and promote apprenticeship programs. If you're considering hosting an event, here's how to plan a memorable one.

Define Your Goals

Before diving into logistics, set clear objectives. Are you aiming to recruit apprentices, raise awareness with employers, or simply celebrate success stories with the existing apprenticeship community? Knowing your goals will shape your event's format and messaging.

  • Raise awareness about apprenticeship opportunities.

  • Recruit new apprentices for your program.

Choose the Right Event Type

There’s no one-size-fits-all.

Your event could be an open house, a virtual panel discussion, or a hands-on workshop. It could be public or private. Consider your target audience when selecting the type, and make it engaging. Whether in-person or virtual, the format should align with your objectives and provide value to attendees.

  • Host an open house to showcase facilities and training.

  • Organize a virtual webinar featuring industry experts.

Pick the Ideal Date and Venue

If you're in the apprenticeship world, you already know that National Apprenticeship Week is busy. Everyone in this space plans events between November 17 and November 23, 2024. Get out ahead of this with early planning and check other events in your area on

Ensure your venue or virtual platform is accessible and accommodating. With NAW running the entire week, pick a date that suits your audience’s availability. Decide on whether your event will be held on-site, virtually, or in a hybrid format. Make sure to choose a venue or platform that’s easily accessible for your participants.

  • Schedule for a weekday morning to attract local school groups.

  • Host online via Zoom for broader reach.

Collaborate with Partners

Engaging partners and sponsors can broaden your reach and make the event more resourceful. Collaborate with local businesses, educational institutions, and trade organizations. They can help with promotion, resources, and expertise, making the event richer in content.

  • Collaborate with a local technical college for co-hosting.

  • Partner with a trade association for sponsorship.

Create a Compelling Event Program

Plan the schedule with care. Consider including speakers, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities. Balance between informative and engaging components—like demonstrations or Q&A sessions. This will keep attendees interested and active throughout the event.

  • Include a hands-on demonstration of skills taught.

  • Arrange a Q&A session with current apprentices.

Promote Your Event

Spread the word early and effectively. Use social media channels, local media, and your network to promote your event. Don’t forget to register it on the official National Apprenticeship Week website, which will ensure that it appears on the national event map, increasing visibility. Make sure to use relevant hashtags (#NAW2024, #ApprenticeshipUSA) to extend your reach.

  • Register on the National Apprenticeship Week website to increase visibility.

  • Use LinkedIn and Facebook ads targeting potential apprentices.

On the Event Day

Preparation is key. Ensure everything is set up and tested, whether it's the venue, equipment, or virtual links. Make sure your staff knows their roles and are ready to assist guests. Engaging with participants—through surveys or social media—will also help keep the event interactive and memorable.

  • Test all virtual platform links and audio equipment.

  • Brief volunteers on their roles and responsibilities.

Post-Event Follow-Up

Your job doesn’t end when the event does. Share highlights, photos, and videos on your platforms. Send out thank-you notes to speakers, partners, and attendees. Most importantly, evaluate what went well and areas for improvement. Collect feedback to make your next event even better.

  • Share event photos and highlights on social media.

  • Send thank-you emails to attendees and partners with a feedback survey.

Final thoughts on National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week is a fantastic time to showcase the value of apprenticeships. With careful planning, effective promotion, and engaging activities, your event can make a lasting impact.

Ready to start? Find resources and register your event on the National Apprenticeship Week website. National Apprenticeship Week website.

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